Friday, May 14, 2010

New play and earn Doll

The new play and earn doll is now avalible. Alot of people think play and earn is very stupid but just to say it is NOT STUPID it IS GREAT. Why because u get free stuff and u don't have to buy or sell or anything like that and i hope people will stop calling this doll and the othere ones STUPID because nobody thinks they are and plus u can have the full collection I have the full colection. and if u whould like to see one just go to Keira-v's suite she has one just her foot and have u notised that the girls the collectibles face's are all the same and that they just have diffrent posse's and hair's and they don't always where the same thing its like wow that is so cool well not literly but yeah sorta.Have u also seen that keira-V always is tha first personne to have the play and earns. People have  bine asking calli in gues book comments why and how nobody knows why but alot of people are mad and say it is not faire. I whould say its not faire eathere because its just not. I have bowf play and earns i don't have the 3 one yet and that is sad at least i think SATRDOLL is not beying faire to othere people no afence to some people i still like stardoll and always will 

Yours Truly 
Venessa H. ♥  

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